olga's lab
2d game assets About Olga's Lab License

Olga's Lab usage license

You may use all assets and media downloaded through this site according to the following license terms.


Asset-The term "asset" refers to any media downloaded either freely or for a charge through this website and its services.

This Website- The term "this website" applies to www.olgaslab.com or any of its subdomains.

To publish- Within the context of this license to publish means to publicaly or privately distribute physical or digiatal material .

Publisher-Within the context of this license a publisher is an individual or company that releases digital or physical media for private or public consumption.

Derivative work- Within the context of this license aA derivative work is an end product that incorporates the asset as well as other things so that it is larger in scope and different in nature to the individual asset. Typical examples of this would be but not limited to a Video Game, a software application, a website, an Ebook, a video, a t-shirt or mug.


This license applies to both free and purchased assets downloaded through this site.

After purchasing an asset from this site you have non-exclusive rights to use it in commercial and personal derivative works which you create or which you create on behalf of another individual or entity, such as a business.

The license holder is granted permission to publish digital media containing assets. The license holder may publish digital media containing assets as many times as they wish on as many platforms as they wish as long as the digital media is published under their name or company name. The license holder may allow no more than one external publishing company to use and publish digital or physical material under the same license. License holders who wish to allow more than one entity to publish media containing assets under a separate name or company must purchase a license for each subsequent publisher.

You may use assets in multiple commercial, personal or monetized derivative projects.

You may modify assets to suit your project needs. Modified assets will still be subject the conditions of this license.

You may distribute assets to external companies or individuals you hire to work on your media project. Any external companies which you employ and to whom you distribute assets will not hold any license to publish or distribute the assets.

Attribution is not required.

You may use assets in any advertising in relation to the derivative work which you promoting. This includes but not limited to social media channel art, web advertising, print media advertising.

Although unwise, you may also use assets in your trademarks or company logotypes. Due to the nature of stock assets upon doing so you renounce any claims to your trademark or logo's copyright.

Please do not give assets away

The license for an asset is non-reproducible and cannot be duplicated. There can only be one license holder per license.

You may NOT redistribute, share or make available for download any asset obtained from this site in any form other than their intended use in derivative works (see above). This would include but not limited to redistributing or reselling assets on other asset stores, stock photography sites, game templates for developers and multiple game publishers other than no more than one included in this license, tutorial resource packages, asset libraries, instruction courses, class room lectures, asset bundles or allowing simply your developer friends to use the asset in their projects.

End of license

General questions regarding the license

Some people have written to me to ask for clarification about the license. I'm going to post these questions for the benefit of all users as I understand there still may be doubts about the license. If you have a question about the license or see something which you feel isn't clear please write to me.

Can I use your graphics for my apps? I usually make free apps with advertising?

Yes of course. this is their intended purpose

Can I upload my game to, play store, app store, steam etc with your assets in?

Yes of course, As the license holder you can publish your media project on as many platforms as you wish under your name or complany name.

By saying non exclusive rights. In general does that mean I can, or cannot use an asset for commercial use?

Firstly, yes you can use assets from the site for commercial games. Non exclusive rights means that you don't own full copyright permissions over the asset, this allows me to re-license the asset to other users, but you do have permission to use asset in your commercial games or apps.

can I make and commercially release a game using just your free assets?

yes, you certainly can.

Can I use your assets in my game template?

No sorry! By using the assets in game template you are essentially relicensing the asset and allowing others to publish. According the license assets cannot be published by multiple publishers under one license.

I'm using your assets for upgrades in my game, where users pay for upgrade items, e.g more powerful weapons, faster cars more gold etc. Does the license allow this?

Yes of course. you can use the assets in your game in anyway you wish.

I'm using your assets in an online game development course, can I include your assets for download so users can follow along?

No, sorry! Whilst you are allowed to use the assets in your tutorials, be they, videos, text or photographic in nature offering the assets for download would be considered as redistribution an license duplication. In order to protect my work and in fairness for users who have rightly purchased a license, redistribution is prohibited .


copyright olgaslab 2025Olga Romero Lopez